Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
Retirement Visa
The Spain Non-lucrative Visa has become a very popular retirement visa since its introduction. Because the application does not require any investment, you do not need to do business or engage in any work to obtain this visa. Compare with the other Retirement Visas, Spain Non-Lucrative visa’s requirement is simple and with faster application process.
No investment required
Simple and fast
No age and no assets requirement
Can include spouse and dependent children (under 18 or financially dependent) who can study in Spain
Pathway to permanent residence (residencia de larga duración)
Not be a citizen of a State of the European Union
Not be irregularly in Spanish Territory
Have no criminal record in Spain and in the countries where you have resided during the past five years
Not being prohibited from entering Spain and not appearing as rejectable in the territories space of countries Spain has signed an agreement in this regard
Have the necessary financial means to cover the expenses of your stay and return:
- Monthly support of 400% of the IPREM
- Additional monthly support of 100% of the IPREM for each family member
Have public or private health insurance arranged with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain
Not suffering from any diseases that may have serious public health implications
Step 1 : Retain Anlex Consultants to prepare your application
Step 2: Submit your Non-Lucrative Visa application at the nearest Spanish Consulate
Step 3: Receipt of Non-Lucrative Visa approval letter (if application successful)
Step 4: Collect the Non-Lucrative Visa Entry Permit (valid for three months) from the Consulate
Step 5: Entering Spain within the validity of the Non-Lucrative Visa Entry Permit to activate the temporary residence permit (valid for one year)
Step 6: Within one month of entering Spain, apply for the foreigner ID Card (TIE)